Monday, May 31, 2010


This is me contemplating the hard choices in life. Should I have a nap first, then surf. Or, should I have a beer first, then a nap, then surf?

Last night we were drinking at a beach bar. The bartender was named Matus, he spoke english very well. When I think of a beach bar in the middle of mexico, Matus is exactly the kind of bartender I would imagine behind the counter. We met some Irish girls who were staying a couple of cabanas down from us. They are primary school teacher on a year long sabbitical, they´ve been traveling around the world for 11 months now.

As I promised John, I must write about the fact that John gave this local guy at the bar $200 bucks (100 of it mine) to pick up some pot. I gave him the money and then I see the guy walk off, I asked john if he gave the money to the guy first, when john replied "yes", I immediately said, "well, we just lost 200 bucks." John told me to have faith in people.

I was right.

we woke up around 1 something this afternoon, we had lunch at this cool little cafe right next to our hotel. we´ve been going there for lunch and fresh fruit juice the past couple of days. Delicio. Now, all we are doing is waiting around for night time because Monday´s are supposedly one of the party nights around here. the waves aren´t going to be too good tomorrow morning so we decided to make a night out of it.

Another conundrum we´ve been faced with here in mexico is the choice between getting super drunk and partying all night, vs. staying sober and healthy for the waves. It´s such a hard choice, It´s kind of stressing me out in fact, should I surf or should I party?! Why is life so hard?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day Two in Puerto Escondido

This is me shamelessly standing around with an umbrella. Like in Hainan China, I am the only guy (or girl) I can see doing this. I have months to work on my tan in the hot equatorial sun, no need to get it all done in the first day right? The weather right now is warm and windy and cloudy. But not that bad at all.

This is a picture of our new cat, we named him "Numero Nueve" (Number 9). She reminds me of Chico, very friendly and laid back.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day One: Puerto Escondido

Puerto is cool. the waves were a solid head/over head but the winds were on shore making conditions less than perfect. I was too exhausted from a 32 hour journey, but john went in to catch some waves. these are some pictures of us in our cabana at the Hotel Rockaway.
It is a surreal to think we are in Mexico. I just came back from having dinner and a few mojitos with john. hopefully the winds will be offshore tomorrow morning, it´s going to be pretty epic.
good night.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sewage in the shower stall

This has nothing to do with travel. That shit that looks like shit in the middle of our shower stall, is shit. Shit is what happens when tree roots break and clog our decades old plumbing causing waste water to back up into our homes. I had to clean this shit up.

What can I say? Shit happens. (Or how about: It was a shitty day. Or how about: I had a lot of shit to do that day. Or: That shit sucked...I could do this all day)

Packing After


Packing Before...

1 towel, 3 guidebooks, 1 Spanish dictionary, 1 language guide, 1 notebook, 6 shirts, 2 long pants, 1 pair shorts, rain jacket, socks and underwear, assorted medicines, 97 condoms, 2 collar shirts, 4 pack smokes, vitamins, passport, camera, sunscreen, assorted toiletries, etc...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I made this roast chicken some time ago. It was the first roast chicken I ever made and it was very good.

Monday, May 24, 2010


I will be using this blog to record my journey across Central America. Updates will be dependent upon access to cheap internet cafes and whim. Hopefully all goes well....good first post.