This is me contemplating the hard choices in life. Should I have a nap first, then surf. Or, should I have a beer first, then a nap, then surf?
Last night we were drinking at a beach bar. The bartender was named Matus, he spoke english very well. When I think of a beach bar in the middle of mexico, Matus is exactly the kind of bartender I would imagine behind the counter. We met some Irish girls who were staying a couple of cabanas down from us. They are primary school teacher on a year long sabbitical, they´ve been traveling around the world for 11 months now.
As I promised John, I must write about the fact that John gave this local guy at the bar $200 bucks (100 of it mine) to pick up some pot. I gave him the money and then I see the guy walk off, I asked john if he gave the money to the guy first, when john replied "yes", I immediately said, "well, we just lost 200 bucks." John told me to have faith in people.
I was right.
we woke up around 1 something this afternoon, we had lunch at this cool little cafe right next to our hotel. we´ve been going there for lunch and fresh fruit juice the past couple of days. Delicio. Now, all we are doing is waiting around for night time because Monday´s are supposedly one of the party nights around here. the waves aren´t going to be too good tomorrow morning so we decided to make a night out of it.
Another conundrum we´ve been faced with here in mexico is the choice between getting super drunk and partying all night, vs. staying sober and healthy for the waves. It´s such a hard choice, It´s kind of stressing me out in fact, should I surf or should I party?! Why is life so hard?